Redispatch 2.0

    Mastering congestion with the right software

The new regulation on the extended redispatch process (Redispatch 2.0), now obliges not only the transmission system operators (TSO) but also the distribution system operators  (DSO) to participate in eliminating congestion and to ensure system stability. A pan-European model for standardized data exchange has guaranteed secure cross-border grid operation since 2018.

With the PSIsaso software, which is independent of the control system, the requirements for redispatch based on the Network Expansion Acceleration Act (NABEG 2.0) can be reliably implemented. This also includes the forward-looking operation of distribution grids with regard to the ever-increasing share of renewable energies. Please also read our blog article on this topic!

Redispatch overview

  • Efficient elimination of network congestions
  • Distribution system operators to be responsible from October 2021
  • Inclusion of all facilities from 100 kV
  • Uniform processes for all market players
  • Evaluation of measures based on planning data and forecasts

"When it comes to electricity, European countries are highly interdependent."

Laurent Schmitt, ENTSO-E’s Secretary General.

Expansion module GLDPM for network operators

  • Optimization of the energy networks and efficient use of resources
  • Stable electricity network and improved supply security
  • Integration of renewable energies
  • Harmonization of cross-border energy markets
  • Better cooperation between network operators

Do you have questions about Redispatch 2.0 and intelligent solutions for distribution network operators?

Please contact us.

Contact Person

Dr. Guido Remmers
Manager Division DSO

+49 6021 366-337



The Generation and Load Data Provision Methodology (GLDPM) is the "provision methodology for the uniform collection of generation and load data".

Based on this methodology, the collected data are developed into a common network model (CGMM) of the European transmission system operators (TSOs) in order to comply with the EU regulation for "establishing a guideline for capacity allocation and congestion management" (CACM).

The regulation specifies pan-European rules for electricity trading as well as calculation and allocation of cross-border electricity transmission capacities.


The Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM) regulation regulates how transmission capacities in the European networks are to be calculated. Within the framework of the regulation, TSOs collect generation and load data whose framework conditions are formulated in the GLDPM. The objective is a common network model (CGMM) that allows a transparent, pan-European overview of the capacities of the European electricity grid.


The Common Grid Model Methodology (CGMM) describes the common network model of the European TSOs. It is a central element for the implementation of the European requirements for capacity calculation in accordance with the CACM regulation.

Source titel graphic: 3dkombinat | Adobe Stock